NIkki من المملكة المتحدة
6 مايو 2014 م
What fantastic service!
Gráinne من أيرلندا
6 مايو 2014 م
Hi to everyone on the Childrensalon Team
Hi Everyone on the Childrensalon Team
My daughters jacket arrived this morning and she's thrilled with it, its beautifully cut and fits her really well. We especially liked the packet of Haribo's in with the invoice. Thank you so much for excellent service.
Ashona Lachman من جنوب أفريقيا
6 مايو 2014 م
WOW! The most pleasurable, efficient, outstanding, amazing and enjoyable shopping experience ever. Will definitely be recommending you. A very happy customer. Thanks!
Jacquelyn من نيوزيلندا
6 مايو 2014 م
Received our package (in New Zealand) today! Just ordered it a few days ago. Wow! Things from in NZ take longer than this did. Two very happy customers. Will be recommending you to our friends. Thanks!
Noura من قطر
5 مايو 2014 م
معاكم نورة المهندي احب اشكركم على الموقع المميز والمعامله الرررروعه
Ellie Birney من المملكة المتحدة
4 مايو 2014 م
Found this website last November as searching to find good quality with optional pricing (high & low) for first born grandchild.
Service fantastic, return policy fantastic. Have been using non stop. Great choice, speedy delivery and no hassle returns. Just what a busy working nana needs. Keep up the good work.. :-)
Meera Almulla من الإمارات العربية المتحدة
3 مايو 2014 م
افصل واحسن نوقع اشتري من عنده
Meera من الإمارات العربية المتحدة
3 مايو 2014 م
Every things nice in childrensalon
Milena من الولايات المتحدة
2 مايو 2014 م
Thank you for getting back so quickly! I appreciate your help and I am really impressed with ChildrenSalon
customer service (I am saying this as owner of business)!
Tracy Stevenson من أستراليا
30 أبريل 2014 م
To whom it may concern,I have had a very good experience with you're customer support worker Barbara. She was extremely attentive and helpful. My shopping experience was made easier with the assistance of you're "chat" option. A BIG thank you to Barbara. Beautiful products can't wait to receive them!
Kerstin من ألمانيا
30 أبريل 2014 م
I received my Childrensalon order yesterday and I was completely thrilled!
This was the best shopping experience for children ever! From A to Z the service was just perfect, and above all, everything was so neatly arranged and perfectly packed!
Thank you very very much indeed for this overall excellent service, I for sure will come back!
Many thanks, especially to you, as you helped a great deal in the very beginning!
Emma من المملكة المتحدة
29 أبريل 2014 م
Good Morning,Just wanted to let you know that I have received the replacement suit and it fits perfectly. Thank you so much for your quick, professional and friendly service. I would highly recommend you to anyone. Kindest regards Emma
Sazan Al-shamri29 أبريل 2014 م
Thank you so much... I just love childrensalon❤️❤️❤️ Thank you
Annette من الدانمرك
29 أبريل 2014 م
Thank you so much, you have been most helpful in this process and i highly appreciate your service and knowledge for business. I Will for sure put my next order at ChildrenSalon. Wish you All a nice day.
Christina من أستراليا
29 أبريل 2014 م
Thank you so much I received the boots and there perfect your service perfect I'm very happy thank you
Many thanks I'll be back
Caroline من المملكة المتحدة
28 أبريل 2014 م
Very helpful
Lymen من المملكة العربية السعودية
28 أبريل 2014 م
Dear Helena I would like to thank you today for helping me to complete my order, you made my day
Thank you for the excellent customers service Kind regards
walaa من المملكة العربية السعودية
26 أبريل 2014 م
موقع جدا جميل والاجمل سرعة تجهيز الطلب والتوصيل حبيت تعاملهم الرائع جدا
Aneesa من الولايات المتحدة
25 أبريل 2014 م
Hey guys thank you so much. I received the shirt for my daughter. I love it.
I love the candy as well. Thank you again. Xoxo Aneesa
Fatima s al mazrouei24 أبريل 2014 م
من أجمل وأروع وأفضل المواقع العالمية التي تخص الأطفال في العالم صراحة وأحب موقع لي لانه بصراحة أغنانا عن كل المحلات العالمية
Maria من المملكة المتحدة
24 أبريل 2014 م
I just receive the top that i ordered my daughter its amazing thank you as well for the little present of sweeties rhank you that was lovely !!!!
sawsan من سان بارتليمي
23 أبريل 2014 م
افضل موقع وافضل تعامل وسهل العمل به وعمليات الشرا ومتوفر كل جديد والاحسن شحن سريع الى الامام ياشلدرن صالون
Yoko من اليابان
22 أبريل 2014 م
You get into every mom's psyche I guess. I appreciate your quick and proper adjustment. And the price is always reasonable. Actually,this is the most important thing to every mom in the world!
Michelle من مالطا
22 أبريل 2014 م
my parcel took only 24 hrs to arrive to Malta after I ordered and only paid 12 euros for deliver! I think this is awesome! well done & keep it up! Also, Barbara from live chat was so helpful & nice!
Susan من أيرلندا
20 أبريل 2014 م
Dear Childrenssalon Staff I received my order very promptly thank you so very much. The dress is
beautiful and my godchild will be delighted.Thank you again and Happy Easter. Susan
Antoinette من الولايات المتحدة
19 أبريل 2014 م
Hello to all. I just wanted to thank you all so much for the great help that I have received from Childrensalon over the past 2 weeks as far as answering my questions and helping me choosing the right size for my sons outfit and also allowing me an extension on my reserved item. I got my package yesterday and it only took 4 days. I'm really pleased with you all. Next week I will be tagging Childrensalon on Instagram when my son puts his Versace on
Emily من الصين
19 أبريل 2014 م
I recommend Childrensalon to every friend of mine. Fast delivery, complete range of brands, and great service. You are the best!
Becky من المملكة المتحدة
19 أبريل 2014 م
Just wanted to say thank you for an excellent service. Just received the blazer for my son and it looks great!
Samar من البحرين
19 أبريل 2014 م
My favorite online shopping website! Most stylish clothing and best customer service!
Never fail to impress! A big thumbs up:)
Chris من نيوزيلندا
16 أبريل 2014 م
You are the best!!
Portia من الولايات المتحدة
16 أبريل 2014 م
I would like to say thankyou for my package i love shopping with you guys i love the customer service
Lilian من سنغافورة
15 أبريل 2014 م
This is my first time order from Childrensalon and I am very impressed byt its amazing service and fast delivery. My international order came within 3 days and even faster than those online purchase that I made locally. Will definitely look to order from this site again. Thank you!
janette waldron من المملكة المتحدة
14 أبريل 2014 م
I would like to say how pleased i am to have found your website.Your service is excellent and i am thrilled with the items i have ordered.Thank you so much.
Alexandra14 أبريل 2014 م
I am really impressed with your level of client service,
thanks a million!
all the best
Alia من الإمارات العربية المتحدة
14 أبريل 2014 م
Really appreciate your excellent service and customer satisfaction!
Ray من الولايات المتحدة
14 أبريل 2014 م
Just received my sons package you guys rock I ordered Friday and here Monday! I have ordered from over seas plenty of times and you guys were the fastest company u have delt with THANKX again and I will be ordering soon
Iωάννα Φαρμάκη من اليونان
14 أبريل 2014 م
Σας χρωστάω!
Ευχαριστώ θερμά για την άψογη εξυπηρέτηση σας και τον τέλειο επαγγελματισμό σας.
Με εκτίμηση,
Τόνια من اليونان
11 أبريل 2014 م
Γεια σας...μολις παρελαβα την παραγγελια ειναι ολα υπεροχα,σας ευχαριστω για την αμεση εξυπηρετηση και την προθυμια σας για την σημαντικη βοηθεια που μου προσφερατε.
Το site το συνιστω ανεπιφυλακτα σε ολους τους Ελληνες!!
Επισης ευχαριστω προσωπικα την κ.Ελενη για την πολυτιμη βοηθεια...να εχετε ολοι καλες γιορτες!!
Με εκτιμηση Τονια!!
Montse Masip Plans9 أبريل 2014 م
Good afternoon,
Yesterday I received my order very quickly. Your service is excellent and the quality of your clothes is very good.
Thank you, Kind regards, Montse
Christine من اليونان
9 أبريل 2014 م
Thank you Children Salon!!!!!!!! Super customer service! Order arrived on time, in excellent condition! One of the few UK e-shop that deliver in Greece. Great that I can track my order anytime!