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Людмила Тарасова من روسيا ‏9 يونيو 2014 م

Обожаю Чилдренсалон, уже 30 посылок-это о чем-то говорит. На мою дочь часто оборачиваются прохожие с комплиментами и говорят,что одета как кукла. Люблю Вас

Deborah من كندا ‏8 يونيو 2014 م

There is no problem Childrensalon cant fix to make the best on-line shopping experience on the planet!

Fatma من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏7 يونيو 2014 م

موقع رائع ومنظم وسريع

Ольга من روسيا ‏6 يونيو 2014 م

Заказала одежду на вашем сайте. Ждала 10 дней. Получила посылку в срок. Всё как и заказывала с точностью в цветах и размерах.Возвращать нечего. Качество отличное.Сервис на высшем уровне.Буду заказывать и дальше и посоветую моим друзьям и знакомым. Спасибо что вы есть!

rawya من الكويت ‏6 يونيو 2014 م

من اسهل واسرع وافضل المواقع للاطفال والاسعار روعه والتعامل اروع شكرا لأهتمامكم اليوم وصلني الطلب وانتبهت لميزه جميله معطرين الفاتوره بصراحه سعدت بالتعامل معكم

Alison من أستراليا ‏5 يونيو 2014 م

I want to thank you very much. I will be recommending you to all my friends and family. Believe me, with such excellent customer service, I will be shopping a lot more on your website.

Connie Phillipson من اليونان ‏3 يونيو 2014 م

Thank you for all your help. I am a very happy customer. Your service is excellent.

Monica Amici من إيطاليا ‏3 يونيو 2014 م

thank you very much for your kindness and for your email I just received. Parts of the heart all the best for you and your family!! :) To hear from you soon. It is a pleasure for me to buy and talk to you. See you soon and have a good evening Monica ;)

Keeley من المملكة المتحدة ‏31 مايو 2014 م

Fantastic, purchased an order late Friday delivery was expected the following Tuesday but called them up and they gave me a Saturday delivery! Soo happy service is faultless and clothing is greatly priced and excellent quality. Thank you CHILDREN SALON will definitely be back soon 5***** x

ahoud من قطر ‏29 مايو 2014 م

انا اتوقع من اكثر الناس اللي تدخل المموقع بشكل يومي خخخ احب بضاعتكم وتمميزون بكل شي جديد وصرت ادمن الشراء منكم واشكر طاقم العمل كاملا على جهودهم وعلى صبرهم بالرد علينا وعلى استفسارتنا اللي ماتخلص خخ واحلى شي live chat صججج يخدمنا بشكل كبير و استمرو بالنجاح في هذا الموقع المميز والاسهار الروعه وكل شي

Naela من المملكة المتحدة ‏27 مايو 2014 م

I can not recommend ChildrenSalon enough. After receiving extremely poor customer services and dispatch time from another on-line retailer, I have realised ChildrenSalon are by far the BEST on-line children clothing retailer. I placed an order late afternoon on Thursday expecting to receive it on Tuesday due to the Bank Holiday. However, to my surprise I received it on Friday. At the same time I placed an order with the other retailer. Not only has the order not arrived (despite paying £8.95 for express deliver) I have now been told they 'forgot' to bing my items down from their warehouse and therefore I will not receive my order until Thursday. I needed them for a wedding tomorrow. It's my fault really when ChildrenSalon offer such a wide selection of clothing, I should be ordering all my items from them and not elsewhere. Well it's a lesson learnt. Thank you for the order. My daughter loves the dress and can't wait to wear it tomorrow x

Fiona من المملكة المتحدة ‏27 مايو 2014 م

I just wanted to say how impressed I am with Childrensalon - the shopping experience has been an absolute pleasure from start to finish; items sent promptly, well packaged, great customer service and I cannot believe how quickly you process a refund. Thank you!

Shameemah من جنوب أفريقيا ‏26 مايو 2014 م

she was very helpful and considering all my questions very patient :) thanks ChildrenSalon

Гюзель Уланова من روسيا ‏26 مايو 2014 م

Дорогие Девушки! Сегодня получила посылку. Огромное Вам спасибо! Все чудное ,надеюсь дочке подойдет. Очень приятно с Вами работать! Всего хорошего С Уважением,Гюзель

Kerstin من ألمانيا ‏25 مايو 2014 م

Another perfect order has arrived and the pieces are beautiful, especially the Liberty hoodie! Again, thank you so so much for all your efforts to complete this order and get it on its way! I surely will come back for some more shopping! Have a lovely Sunday, very kind regards, Kerstin

mrim من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏25 مايو 2014 م

I would like to thank you for your business. I got my shipment and I was so impressed with the quality of the products as well as the delivery. شكرا لكم رائعين جدااااا في كل شئ

b.baeesa‏24 مايو 2014 م

موقع جدا ممتاز ورائع يقدم كل ماهو جديد وباسعار مميزه واسرع وقت حيث ان الطلب يصل قبل الموعد اشكر ادارة الموقع واتمنى لهم التوفيق والنجاح المستمر

Maram من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏24 مايو 2014 م

would like to thank you for the best serves I have ever had. Thank you very much

Kathryn من أستراليا ‏23 مايو 2014 م

I placed an order with you last week & just wanted to say a huge thank you for your wonderful customer service. I was delighted to receive a beautifully presented parcel on Monday, after only placing the order on Friday. I look forward to purchasing more items from you in the future.

Maria من اليونان ‏23 مايو 2014 م

I will be waiting impatiently for the parcel. In the previous order all of the items were even better than I expected !!!! I am an old client of yours (approximately since 2007) and every time we are thrilled with our purchases. I must say that you are the best site I have ever seen and used and all of your products are fabulous. Keep up the excellent work !!!

Linda من الولايات المتحدة ‏22 مايو 2014 م

Thank you soo much for all your assistance in helping expedite the delivery. I received it! It looks great & the perfect size. I will be ordering again

shamma من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏22 مايو 2014 م

this is the best kids i have ever seen

eman من سان بارتليمي ‏22 مايو 2014 م

You are the best

Lamia من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏19 مايو 2014 م

من أجمل المواقع المختصة بالأطفال .. وفر لنا دعم فني يتحدث باللغة العربية و تعاملهن جميل .. طويلات بال و يتعاملن مع الأسئلة بكل رحابة .. الطلب يتم تجهيزه بسرعة فائقة .. و الشحن سعره جميييل ..

Ahmed من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏19 مايو 2014 م

جيد وأشكر لكم حسن تعاملكم والشكر موصول لك أختي مريم لكم أطيب المنى بالتوفيق والنجاح . أحمد Thank you for your great dealing, and special thanks for Mariam. I wish you a continuous success.

Maritza من الولايات المتحدة ‏15 مايو 2014 م

I always get an answer right away and all are so efficient.

Shamma من الكويت ‏15 مايو 2014 م

You are the best

Loredana من أستراليا ‏15 مايو 2014 م

Every time i have had an issue support has resolved the problem with no qualms or extended delays

Noura من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏15 مايو 2014 م

All details are given, immediate responding, she talk to me politely. She was happy to support, she offer help to the max level

Michelle من الولايات المتحدة ‏14 مايو 2014 م

I wanted to thank you for all of your excellent kind attention to my orders. They have a long journey all the way from the United Kingdom to Marysville, Ohio USA. Your selection is amazing and the quality of your items is superb. Each time I receive an order it is like opening a Christmas gift that has been carefully packaged. I love your little boy clothes in particular. With your wonderful selection, babies can look like babies. Our sixth baby is due the beginning of September and he will be the best dressed baby around. I wish I had found you earlier so my other children could have enjoyed your clothing as well. Thank you so much.

Fu من سان بارتليمي ‏14 مايو 2014 م

Excellent service!

Maria من قبرص ‏12 مايو 2014 م

Amazing service and very speed delivery!!! thank you!!

Maryam من قطر ‏12 مايو 2014 م

أفضل واسرع واسهل مكان لتسوق ومتوفر لجميع الاذواق

Nancy من الصين ‏9 مايو 2014 م

I've got the parcel already, they sent it to a wrong address. And the agent found the parcel back for me. Thank you very much for all your helping!!My friend loves the gift although it is a little bit late but she still happy,That's enough! And I'm happy as well.

Shirley‏8 مايو 2014 م

It was new for me buying from the uk. I love the brand MAYORAL can not wait till the next collection!!!! Thanks

Julie من نيوزيلندا ‏8 مايو 2014 م

Thank you once again. I always love receiving your parcels they are packaged so lovely in tissue I feel so special unwrapping them. The clothes are devine and the service is out of this world! Love love love your clothes and so do my grandchildren.

Arwa alsaif من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏7 مايو 2014 م

❤️❤️❤️❤️Thank you My best shop❤️

Lindsay Madeley من المملكة المتحدة ‏7 مايو 2014 م

Thank you for such a smooth and easy buying (& returning process!!) you are like a breath if fresh air!! Have a good day x

Samira من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏7 مايو 2014 م

Soo nice ☺

Maggie من الولايات المتحدة ‏6 مايو 2014 م

Thank you Kerri…..gosh do you guys ever sleep? Your customer service is in a par with Zappos-even better!! Best, Maggie