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Arwa from Saudi Arabia 30 Aug 2013

السلام عليكم وصلني الطلب شكرًا جزيلا لكم .. سعدت ب التعامل معكم وسأظل بإذن الله دائمة التواصل ..

Véronique Van Driessche30 Aug 2013

No need to say that the colections are great. But the extremely good service is what makes Childrensalon UNIQUE!

Irina from Russia 28 Aug 2013

Спасибо огромное! Очень приятно с вами сотрудничать, все как всегда на высшем уровне! Спасибо за безупречный сервис!

Sada from Australia 27 Aug 2013

Hello Sylva Thank you so much for your email! Your customer service is amazing and I thank you again for getting in touch with me. Sada

Reem Alnuaimi from United Arab Emirates 26 Aug 2013

Dear Eleni, Warmest thanks for all of your hard work and outstanding service Kind regards, Reem

Abdussalam from Canada 26 Aug 2013

Wow!!, I am really thrilled by your professionalism!!. I am speechless. My wife will be very happy to hear that, we are expecting a baby girl and she is our first. Thank you.

Сабина Мухтарова from Russia 24 Aug 2013

Очень приятно с Вами общаться и покупать у Вас. )

Ardak from Kazakhstan 23 Aug 2013

Большое спасибо вам!!!! Очень приятно покупать на вашем сайте:)))

Leena from Australia 23 Aug 2013

Wow , Thx Emma, highly impressed with your speedy response. I trust you and thk you for reverting back. I m a new mom and very new to the online shopping scene , was impressed with your range for children clothing and just wanted to get my daughter something new for her 1/2 yr birthday . I hope children salon lives to my expectations. Have a good one from sydney winter ;) Cheers,Leena

Alyce Stephens from United Kingdom 23 Aug 2013

Good morning. Just felt I should send this email of my personal thanks. I received my order yesterday, and have to say, the purchases I made are truly exceptional. Spoilt for choice on your website but able to please my Grandchildren. The design and quality of the clothes is amazing. Thank you so much.

Rochelle from Australia 22 Aug 2013

Hello, Firstly I want to thank you SO much for the fantastic service you have given me!!!! Quicker for me to order off you than pack up and head off into the city for the dayJ Thanks a million!!!!

Sawsan from Saudi Arabia 21 Aug 2013

شكرا من كل قلبي حبيبتي سوسن على تعاونكم

Paula from United Kingdom 20 Aug 2013

brilliant customer service -. really the best customer experience I've had in a long time. thank you!

Марьяна20 Aug 2013

Очень довольна сервисом, очень приятные и отзывчивые работники. Обожаю этот онлайн-магазин!

Saif Zayed19 Aug 2013

Dear Josia,Thank you for the good dealings with me which shows the long history of the company and I regret the error that resulted during the optional product and thank you very much and Gratitude

Amal Aldhaheri from United Arab Emirates 16 Aug 2013

We love to deal with children salon . I appreciate your amazing helpful staff and your great web site.

Анастасия Адырхаева from Russia 16 Aug 2013

Огромное спасибо за понимание к моим трудностями! Постараюсь учесть все аспекты на будущее. И с удовольствием стану Вашим постоянным покупателем.

Daria from Russia 15 Aug 2013

Спасибо за Ваш высокий сервис и заботу о покупателях! С уважением,Литвинова Дарья.

Jinelle Borg from Australia 15 Aug 2013

Hi there, I would just like to say thank you so very much for the item I ordered earlier this week. Not only is the clip gorgeous I am super impressed with the speedy delivery from half way across the world. I wouldn't hesitate to order from your store in the future.

Maryam Ahli from United Arab Emirates 14 Aug 2013

you are the best ever... childrensalon, no one can beat your delivery services, customer services, web browsing, every little thing

Cherie from Australia 14 Aug 2013

5 STAR service every time :) Thanks so much

Анастасия Деланьян from Russia 14 Aug 2013

Сервис работников вашего сайта не устает меня радовать! Вы большие молодцы! С нетерпением жду свою посылку!

Анастасия from Russia 14 Aug 2013

Делала заказ на данном сайте! Очень порадовал сервис,все быстро и четко! Посылка пришла через 2 недели,очень аккуратно упакованная! Все вещи очень понравились,один в один,как на картинках. Сейчас сделала новый заказ, надеюсь все будет так же! Спасибо ChildrenSalon!:))

Makhabbat from Kazakhstan 14 Aug 2013

Добрый день! Хотела поблагодарить за такой высокий сервис!!!!!!!!!! Послыка пришла очень быстро, вещи подошли. Теперь будем заказывать постоянно!

Madeleine from United Kingdom 10 Aug 2013

Hi I have just ordered a children's fire cracker tutu that is being delivered to an excited three year old for her birthday. I just wanted to take time to say how fabulous the lady was who took my order. Her name is Elleny, not sure how it is spelt (Greek) but she was fantastic taking so much time and effort to ensure it was correct and that it would arrive in time. I work in retail and customers are all too quick to criticise but very rarely say thank you. Please pass on my thanks to Elleny and give her a well deserved pat on the back

Maria Komarova from Russia 9 Aug 2013

Здравствуйте командa childrensalon! Хочу выразить вам свою благодарность за вашу работу и оперативную отправку заказов. Очень приятно работать с вашим магазином.Отличный персонал!

Armine from Russia 8 Aug 2013

Здравствуйте, я получила заказ. Все устраивает! Спасибо вам!

Heba from Bahrain 8 Aug 2013

Thank you so much for the lovely greeting I really appreciate it. I also recived my items, you're service is great, thank you very much.

Zenaria from South Africa 6 Aug 2013

You guys are fantastic! Awesome service :), happy customer.

Marika Stamatopoulos from Australia 5 Aug 2013

I ordered a bear from Children's Salon a little over 2 Years ago for my daughter's first birthday and experienced wonderful service! Thank you very much for your assistance

Stalo Charalambous from Cyprus 5 Aug 2013

Αμάν έκπληψη! Οντως πολύ μικρός ο κόσμος! Σας ευχαριστώ παρά πολύ για τη. Εξυπηρέτηση!

Mona from United Arab Emirates 3 Aug 2013

Thank you for your perfect service

Alaali from St Barthélemy 2 Aug 2013

اشكركي علي المعاملة الممتازة لك جزيل الشكر

Lyudmila from Russia 31 Jul 2013

Добрый день! Спасибо за оперативную информацию! С Вами приятно работать) С Уважением, Людмила.

Olga from Russia 31 Jul 2013

Добрый день! Посылку получила, спасибо огромное!!! Как всегда вещи великолепные!!! Еще раз спасибо за консультацию по размерному ряду.

Abdullateef Al Ali from United Arab Emirates 30 Jul 2013

Customer service at its best shape!

Shazia from South Africa 29 Jul 2013

After much debate (due to a previous bad experience on another website) I decided to make a purchase on your website. I live in South Africa - and a friend persuaded me to. I want to say that your team was extremely accommodating and I want to commend them on their quick response and the very quick delivery! I am very impressed and will definitely be making more purchases in the future. Thanks.

Fatima from Saudi Arabia 28 Jul 2013

I cannot thank you enough Anna! I am really impressed by the great level of customer care you provide. I will recommend your website to my friends and relatives.

NOORA ALEIDA from Qatar 25 Jul 2013

Thank you for making my shopping experience at childrensalon easy and enjoyable.

Lenese from South Africa 25 Jul 2013

I am super impressed at your super fast service!! Wow!! Received my parcel just now. Everything is SO beautiful and fits perfectly. Thank you very much. Will place my next order soon. Lenese