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Customer Feedback

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Rana from Saudi Arabia 15 Jul 2015

Hello Childrenplace's team .. I'd thank you for the most beautiful treatment with me as a customer and for the fast preparing the order . Also , thanks for the (Happy Eid) wishes for our special occasions and for the cutest candy I've ever seen :) I'll be your always customer and I wish for all of you happiness and safety ..

فاخره from United Arab Emirates 13 Jul 2015

اتمنى عندما تنتهي قطعه من الماركات ان توفرها لانه الزبون يريدها لذالك تنتهي بسرعته

Amal13 Jul 2015

Hello, I'd like to thank you for being so exact in sending the right order in such a short time . The material is perfect and the sweet is WOW. Thanks again. Amal

mrim from St Barthélemy 13 Jul 2015

for the first time my order did not arrive on time and it is delayed for no clear reason.

Reem from United Arab Emirates 12 Jul 2015

Thanks alot for the gorgeous items and fast delivery. this is my best best best online store ..

Khawla from United Arab Emirates 11 Jul 2015

greetings I love Childrensalon. Everything I've ever ordered has come within a couple of days. The service and the huge range of beautiful clothes is unbeatable. Keep up the good work folks!!!I would like to thank you for your cooperation and assistant. You have been and will always be my favorite online store. my first order was very fast and efficient thank you i will shop again i am very satisfied

Mohammed from Bahrain 11 Jul 2015

The best online store ever.

Surenella from Canada 10 Jul 2015

I want to thank you guys for theses amazing clothes.kiss,kiss,kiss

Surenella Gorin from Canada 10 Jul 2015

I want to thank you guys for making my kids look so amazing .

Samiha from United Kingdom 9 Jul 2015

Thank you for the lovely sweets and I love the clothes so cute.. Happy with this website always be happy lovely custom and lovely people thank you have a lovely evening and weekend soon

ام نوره from Qatar 9 Jul 2015

موقع ممتاز وخدمه سريعه بالتوصيل والاهم جوده المنتج ،ان شاءالله سوف استمر بالتعامل مع هذا الموقع الاكثر من رائع،وشكرا

ام نوره from Qatar 9 Jul 2015

موقع ممتاز وخدمه سريعه بالتوصيل والاهم جوده المنتج ،ان شاءالله سوف استمر بالتعامل مع هذا الموقع الاكثر من رائع،وشكرا

Nora from Croatia 9 Jul 2015

Love it! Very fast shipping, and great clothes and shoes for baby! Thank you!

Moza from United Arab Emirates 9 Jul 2015

Thank you for your kind email Thanks also for the refund I really appreciate your cooperation You are always helpful and available You are my # 1 online shopping website Kul aam wa antum bikhair Thanks again

Latifa from Bahrain 7 Jul 2015

Good morning , This is to let you know that I have received my order. I would like to thank you for your cooperation and assistant. You have been and will always be my favorite online store.  Regards, Latifa

becky! from New Zealand 7 Jul 2015

awesome! very fast delivery from halfway round the world & gorgeous items!!

Патимат Меджидова from Russia 6 Jul 2015

Добрый день ! :)  получила ваш заказ ! Очень очень довольна, спасибо Вам

Najla from Saudi Arabia 4 Jul 2015

It is always pleasant to place an order with you, you are such a nice people. many thanks for your support

Bader from Saudi Arabia 4 Jul 2015

بالفعل موقعكم اكثر من رائع اول مرهاطلب منكم بس تعاملكم وبضاعتكم راقيه جدا وباذن الله ماراح يكون هذا التعامل الأخير من اليوم مالي تعامل الا مع موقعكم ولكم جزيل الشكر

Shefa Alzayer from Saudi Arabia 2 Jul 2015

Re a a a a a l l y greaaat

Shosho from Saudi Arabia 2 Jul 2015

عزائي الزملاء / حقيقة اود ان اشكركم فردا فردا ، على حسن التعامل والخدمه الاكثر من رائعه والدقه في الموعد ، وشكرا على الهديه البسيطه احببت التعامل معكم ، وانا من المعجبين بمصداقيتكم وخدمتكم وتعاملكم

Julia Nad from Germany 1 Jul 2015

Liebe Barbara, ich habe für den wunderbaren Service zu danken! Das macht Childrensalon attraktiver als jeder andere Luxury Internetshop, den ich heute kenne. Ich kaufe immer gerne bei Euch! Viele schöne Grüße, J.

Deborah from Canada 30 Jun 2015

I just wanted to let you all know we received the dress and coat for Jamila just 2 minutes ago via Canada post and I am so impressed at the clothing.The clothes are stunning to the point I think I peed a little I was so impressed!!! lol!!! Thanks you all so very much for the consistent level of customer service...When my daughter has her quncenera I weill definatley look your way for her attire...in addition to every christmas concert and birthday and any other important event...You guys there are abslolutley AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! My grandfather always used to say LOVELY,LOVLEY,LOVELY IT does not get any better thatn three LOVELY'S  YET I FEEL U DESERVE FOUR! THANKS AGAIN!

Kamola from United Kingdom 30 Jun 2015

Love your website, such easy navigation. The selection you have is amazing, especially the niche Italian brands. Well done!

morteza from Iran 27 Jun 2015

my first order was very fast and efficient thank you i will shop again i am very satisfied

Tetiana from Ukraine 25 Jun 2015

You are the BEST online store!!! Thank you for excellent customer service, your politeness!! It is always very pleasant to communicate with staff at online chart. You're always ready to help with size! Very fast delivery and clothes are always nice packed:) Special thanks for sweet presents! You're really PERFECT store in all aspects!! Thank you!!!!

Susan from United Kingdom 25 Jun 2015

I love Childrensalon. Everything I've ever ordered has come within a couple of days. The service and the huge range of beautiful clothes is unbeatable. Keep up the good work folks!!!

Doaa from Saudi Arabia 24 Jun 2015

Can't resist myself from ordering from your adorable website !

Doaa from Saudi Arabia 24 Jun 2015

Perfect customer service perfect shipping and delivery timing .. Because it's the perfect website choice to shop from !

Liana from Russia 24 Jun 2015

Great quality, prices and service. Thank you. And I'm so glad that you ship to Russia!

Sabrina Furniss from United Kingdom 24 Jun 2015

Such a lovely customer service team & so helpful. Delivery so efficient & carefully packaged! Beautiful clothes & excellent prices! Thank You Childrensalon you are amazing & have a customer for life!

Ayalisse Busana from Indonesia 24 Jun 2015

Thanks for your service last night

HlA ALskait from Saudi Arabia 22 Jun 2015

أحب المواقع لقلبي خدمتهم رائعه وسرررررريعه أهتمامهم يفوق الوصف الصراحه موقع رائع بكل ماتحمله الكلمة من معنى

Tracey sweeney from United Kingdom 22 Jun 2015

The most Beautiful clothes you will find for you prince/ princess. Exceptional first class service. Thank-you. Tracey.

ANDRIEUX from France 20 Jun 2015

je suis ravie des services et produits proposés par votre maison

Louise Samuelsson from Sweden 19 Jun 2015

Hello, Thank you so much for your fast reply, you guys are really amazing with your customers!

جوجي from St Barthélemy 19 Jun 2015

بسراحة مره عادي وغالي

Lyn Crase from Australia 19 Jun 2015

I would just like to say thank you for such excellent service. My outfit arrived today and I am very happy with it.

Caroline from Australia 18 Jun 2015

Thanks for your wonderful service last night and for calling me personally, theres not a lot of stores that do that these days :-)

Giannis from Greece 17 Jun 2015

Shipped within 100 minutes from order (14 different pieces!!!). Delivered under 48 hours, and I am considered "remote" in Greece!!! And of course everything as expected. By far the best online shop (and I have used a lot for designer childrenware).