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المملكة المتحدة

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Vicky من المملكة المتحدة ‏17 فبراير 2017 م

I do not usually leave reviews, but I felt I had too. Customer service is OUTSTANDING. Will continue to shop on here from now on!

Adelaide Sackey من المملكة المتحدة ‏15 فبراير 2017 م

Have received my order and very impressed.

Adelaide Agyeman من المملكة المتحدة ‏14 فبراير 2017 م

Have received my orders and very impressed with your service,keep it up.

YAO من الصين ‏13 فبراير 2017 م

我在CHILDRENSALON上给孩子买衣服已经有两年的时间了,每次的购物体验都非常棒!客服速度很快,效率高,每求必应,价格合理,折扣活动丰富。谢谢CS给我们带来的美妙的购物体验。 I have been shopping with CHILDRENSALON for over two years for my children , I have a great shopping experience every single time! Customer service is very quick and efficient, my every demand has been met. The price is reasonable and lots of discount activities. Thank you for giving me the wonderful shopping experiences.

Suzan من إسرائيل ‏11 فبراير 2017 م

Thank u very much for the wonderful treatment , i appreciate what you did for me.

Sivaranjini Jeyakumar من كندا ‏9 فبراير 2017 م

Excellent service.

Marwa من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏9 فبراير 2017 م

The order arrived and was more than a beautiful thank you for the wonderful dealings

Maria Stella من إيطاليا ‏7 فبراير 2017 م

Perfect and fast service and very good quality item. They answer very promptly in case of problems: a very customer care oriented shop. Highly recommended!!!

Annah Makhetha من جنوب أفريقيا ‏6 فبراير 2017 م

Outstanding Customer Services, Best online shop, beautiful clothes, fastest delivery. Thank for making our shopping experience memorable. We'll keep on coming back for more.

Julie من أستراليا ‏4 فبراير 2017 م

A very satisfied customer! I required assistance a couple of times and spoke to Yumi, Juliana and Oana. All 3 girls replied in a very prompt and professional manner. Great customer service and I can not wait to receive my order. Thank-you Childrensalon for the outstanding service.

LEILANI ANDAL من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏4 فبراير 2017 م

extremely fast delivery and amazing items, love all of them!

Takako Mizokami من اليابان ‏3 فبراير 2017 م

こんにちは 本日MARK JACOBSのシャツが届きました! 思っていた以上の可愛さで とてもとても嬉しいです。 ありがとうございました。 溝上孝子 Hello Today MARK JACOBS shirt arrived! With more cuteness than I thought I am very very happy. Thank you very much. Takako Garogami

Viva Loca Barnes من الولايات المتحدة ‏1 فبراير 2017 م

Thank you so much for speedy dispatch if my order. I love your online boutique. Tho I try to wait for sales mostly, if I see a beautiful item my girl is bound to look lovely in, I will snatch it up into cart.

Veronika Csillag من هنغاريا ‏30 يناير 2017 م

Thank you so much everything. I'm very happy because my package is so nice and quality . Your work were very correct and excellent.

Danielle من المملكة المتحدة ‏28 يناير 2017 م

the customer service I have received at children's salon has been impeccable and so professional!! You have a wonderful weekend

Vadim Nikolaev من روسيا ‏28 يناير 2017 م

Thank you very much for your work. I love Childrensalon!

Ирина من روسيا ‏27 يناير 2017 م

Мне очень понравился этот магазин! Заказала вещи 10.01.17 , посылочку получила 23.01.17! Все аккуратно упаковано, деткам сладкий презентик в виде мармелада. Вещи пока не надевала, но очень красивые!!! Спасибо!!!

Perieka من سان بارتليمي ‏26 يناير 2017 م

Amazing collection. Loved shopping with you

Tasmia من سان بارتليمي ‏26 يناير 2017 م

Good evening, I just wanted to commend all the people at Childrensalon for fantastic service!! I've ordered twice from your company and have been pleasantly surprised at the efficiency with which you handle the orders. Thank you for amazing service.

Dania من الأردن ‏25 يناير 2017 م

First-class customer service from a first-class website.

Татьяна من روسيا ‏25 يناير 2017 م

Спасибо огромное всей команде Childrensalon, а особенно русскоговорящему персоналу. Очень внимательные и отзывчивые, всегда помогут с интересующими тебя вопросами. Childrensalon радует не только деток, но и их мамочек ))) Все вещички супер. Желаю вам доброжелательных клиентов и процветания, не останавливаться на достигнутой цели ..С любовью из Сибири, Ваш постоянный клиент Татьяна из г. Томска )))) Thank you very much Childrensalon whole team, and especially the Russian-speaking staff. Very attentive and helpful, always ready to help with issues of interest to you. Childrensalon pleases not only children, but also their mothers))) All the little things great. I wish you prosperity and friendly customers, not to stop on achieved goals ..with love from Siberia, your customer Tatiana from Tomsk))))

Маргарита Кукунова من روسيا ‏24 يناير 2017 م

Добрый день! Посылку получили. Все в порядке. Спасибо огромное, за клиентскую поддержку особый респект. С уважением, Маргарита Кукунова Hello, we received the order, all is good, thank you so much and special great respect for your customer service. Regards, Margarita Kukunova

Hind من عُمان ‏24 يناير 2017 م

Excellent quality, thank you for candy . I will order again very soon . Thank you

Stephanie Benson من المملكة المتحدة ‏23 يناير 2017 م

Thank you so much for your excellent returns service. This was the first time I have used this service and I am delighted with the how easy and user friendly the web and email notification was. I love using the website and have bought and will continue to buy your wonderful selection of clothes for my grandson, and another due soon! My daughters always get excited when I arrive for a visit with a CS box! I really appreciate the wide range of designers and prices you offer. Thank you again from a very satisfied customer. Stephanie Benson

Светлана من روسيا ‏22 يناير 2017 م

Спасибо огромное Вам за Вашу работу, за доставленную нам радость.Заказали у Вас детские вещи, все подошло,качество супер,ребенок в восторге.Несмотря на отдаленное расстояние (г.Кемерово) доставили быстро, команда работает слажено,очень обходительные и приветливые.Поэтому выражаю искреннюю благодарность за доброе, вежливое, внимательное и доброжелательное отношение к покупателям.

Анаит من روسيا ‏20 يناير 2017 م

Добрый день!С утра радость какая,получили заказ,ребенок в восторге.Не знает какое мерить, от радости... Еще раз хотела бы поблагодарить и написать в адрес магазина Childrensalon,теплые слова, Все вещи превосходного качества, хорошо упакованы,как всегда с подарком для ребенка,приятно очень!!! Сервис работает быстро,внимательно и качественно. С уважением, Анаит!

Pirita Vuorinen من إيطاليا ‏20 يناير 2017 م

Thanks ! PS: Amazing customer service !!!! :-)

lina gonzalez من الولايات المتحدة ‏19 يناير 2017 م

I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!! I was not sure about ordering online, I asked via chat the measurements and to my surprise I received it within the day. I went ahead and ordered two dresses for my baby and not only I got them fast, when I opened it both dresses where more than I was expecting. THANK YOU!!!

Margherita Pellacani من إيطاليا ‏19 يناير 2017 م

Aramex made a very excellent and fast service and this is what counts. And they find me and called me which never happens. Thanks so much for the assistance, for the very careful packing (I really appreciate it) and for the beautiful products. . I'm in love with them. Thanks! Margherita

Vasiliki Sampakouli من اليونان ‏19 يناير 2017 م


Леся من أوكرانيا ‏18 يناير 2017 م

Магазин как всегда-супер!!! Спасибо за быструю доставку и качественный товар.

Najla من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏17 يناير 2017 م

The best website in the world .

ALHELI GONZALES CHAVES من الأرجنتين ‏17 يناير 2017 م

Hello!I have received my order! Excellent as ever!!! Thank you!!! See you soon in my next purchase! Alheli

Bader Alsubaey من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏16 يناير 2017 م

Greetings i have received the shipment and would like to thanks childrensalon team for the outstanding customers service and timely delivery

Najla من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏16 يناير 2017 م

Just wanted to say i love children salon for their clothes and brands varity and their services .. Top nach ❤️ Really ... I always find what im looking for in childrensalon ... All my baby clothes and stuff are from you guys

елена зернова من روسيا ‏12 يناير 2017 م

Большое спасибо! Все очень понравилось, очень быстрая доставка, все в порядке. Замечательный магазин ,внимательные сотрудники. Огромная Всем благодарность.

Karina Miyama من اليابان ‏11 يناير 2017 م

Just wanted to say Thank you I received my order- it's perfect ! Customer service at Children's Salon is awesome!

منيرة عادل من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏11 يناير 2017 م

اشكركم على ارسال الطلبيه في وقت سريع .. المنتجات غايه في الجمال ..وسوف يكون هذا الموقع المرجع الاول في كل المناسبات ..شكرا شيلدرن صالون

Georgia Kostagianni من اليونان ‏11 يناير 2017 م

The best online shopping experience! I appreciate the quality of clothing, the great service and your kindness! My daughter was excited with the card of wishes, the candy and the great gift wrap! Thank you for making our day happy!!

Tara من نيوزيلندا ‏9 يناير 2017 م

Amazing clothes and extra fast delivery service!!! Will definitely use children salon for further purchases. Everything exceeded my expectations :-)