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claudia من إيطاليا ‏19 أغسطس 2014 م

I'm really excited about your products and your website. you are the best; fast and reliable. i adore you!!!!!

Nada من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏18 أغسطس 2014 م

Thank u dear for fast responsed , :)Thanks again for understanding and the good services ..Nada

mslvoe من ماليزيا ‏18 أغسطس 2014 م

great service! great website! make me wanna click here and there. fast delivery! i received my parcel within 4days. so happy! wooohooo!!!!

miss michael من المملكة المتحدة ‏16 أغسطس 2014 م

Thank you for a helpful and fast service, answered all queries in no time, and delivery was quick and presented professionally with the added quirk of a small packet of sweets. Will definately be shopping again with children's salon in future :)

Maria من المملكة المتحدة ‏15 أغسطس 2014 م

Order received today, I would like to say how extremely happy I am with my purchase. Defiantly recommend this site to anyone. I have been trying to find shoes to fit my baby girl and the2 I purchased fit lovely. My daughter is 6 months and I can't wait to order again. Thank u :)

Mona من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏15 أغسطس 2014 م

Thank you very much... appreciated.. Children Salon is the best..

Asma Almisnes من قطر ‏13 أغسطس 2014 م

Thank you very much for the nice and quick service.you are the best.

Lisa Cosentino من أستراليا ‏13 أغسطس 2014 م

Hello Childrensalon, I just wanted to say thank you so much for my recent purchase. I can¹t believe I ordered it last Friday and it arrived all the way here in Australia on Tuesday.That is just fabulous service and I am so grateful, as the dress is needed for this Friday. It is perfect.I love your website and have recommended it to so many of my friends and family.Thanks again,Kindest regards,Lisa

Asma من سان بارتليمي ‏12 أغسطس 2014 م

Amazing site .. Amazing delivery .. I even got candies inside my order .. It was a small candy but it really made me feel happy more than the bag I bought :-) thank you so much .. I will buy more stuffs soon .. Buying from your site is a great fun

JOANNA URBANSKA من بولندا ‏12 أغسطس 2014 م

Kochana Pani Aleksandro, bardzo żałuję, że nie mogę Pani osobiście wyściskać:) Dziękuję za życzenia i życzliwość. Nie wiem, czy jest Pani jeszcze przed urlopem, czy już po, ale życzę Pani wszystkiego, co najlepsze dla Pani i wszystkich tych, którzy są Pani bliscy. Serdeczności:) Joanna Urbańska

JOANNA URBANSKA من بولندا ‏11 أغسطس 2014 م

Jestem w szoku! Zamówiona przeze mnie sukienka i buciki właśnie doszły! Ubranka są super! Ja i moja córeczka jesteśmy szczęśliwe i zachwycone!!! Bardzo Pani dziękuję za profesjonalizm i opiekę nad moim zamówieniem. Serdecznie pozdrawiam i życzę miłego dnia:)Joanna Urbańska

Maha من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏11 أغسطس 2014 م

Thank you childrensalon i liked my item :) you are the best!

Trevor من المملكة المتحدة ‏11 أغسطس 2014 م

We would just like to say as well that this was our first order with childrensalon and would like to congratulate everyone there on a fantastic shop and service and we will definitely be using you many more times in the future. Thank you

Irina من روسيا ‏10 أغسطس 2014 م

Спасибо огромное! Приятно иметь с вами дело) вы лучшие)))

Mariana من الولايات المتحدة ‏10 أغسطس 2014 م

Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for everyone's assistance.I was so pleased with the care and attention of everyone at ChildrenSalon with the inquiries for my purchase. I was able to place my order today after verifying the transaction with the bank. Thank you very much! Have a wonderful weekend. Mariana

Ayesha من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏9 أغسطس 2014 م

I've received my items today! Fast delivery, nice presentation and lovely dresses! Thank you for the nice service.

JOANNA URBANSKA من بولندا ‏8 أغسطس 2014 م

jestem pod wrażeniem Pani szybkiej reakcji na moją prośbę i zaangażowanie. Bardzo dziękuję za informację.

Valeria Sokolovskaya من روسيا ‏8 أغسطس 2014 م

Большое спасибо! Люблю ваш сайт нежной любовью, потому что ВЫ-ЛУЧШИЕ!!! Хорошего дня! С ув., Валерия

moazma من المملكة المتحدة ‏7 أغسطس 2014 م

Outstanding service. My order was upgraded to express and arrived within one working day. With full tracking and delivery slot. Items are superb quality and cant want to get my baby in them when born. gift packed box with tissue paper in the packaging box and enveloped receipt. Looking for more babygrow sets to purchase so checking daily for new arrivals. thank you

Alhanouf من الإمارات العربية المتحدة ‏6 أغسطس 2014 م

I have Received the items within a few days! Expectational!!!

Yukie من المملكة المتحدة ‏6 أغسطس 2014 م

Hello This is 2nd time shopping. I just order today! Quick delivery and great service Thank you

Ирина من روسيا ‏6 أغسطس 2014 م

Хочу выразить благодарность Вашей команде. Впервые воспользовалась услугами сайта и осталась очень довольна. Буду, непременно, рекомендовать своим друзьям. Спасибо, с уважением Ирина, Россия, Адыгея

Kirsty Dorans من أستراليا ‏6 أغسطس 2014 م

I am really impressed by the super quick delivery especially as I live on the other side of the world! My item is perfect and arrived beautifully presented. I will definitely be shopping with you again & recommending you to friends.

Jeffrey Beal من المملكة المتحدة ‏4 أغسطس 2014 م

Thank you so much for the prompt delivery of the goods ordered on Friday received today the following Monday 4.8.2014 and they are lovely. Kind Regards Jennifer

Ирина من روسيا ‏4 أغسطس 2014 م

Спасибо огромное за услуги и сервис. Обязательно порекомендую друзьям познакомиться с услугами Вашего сайта. С уважением , Ирина, Адыгея.

amalm من قطر ‏3 أغسطس 2014 م

excellent service from Childrensalon - quick delivery& return Thank you for providing my Favorite brands .love you

Latifah من أستراليا ‏2 أغسطس 2014 م

Thank you so much for making such an easy return. You guys are the best to deal with. It's always a pleasure dealing with you.. Thanks again.

Jenn Stew من الولايات المتحدة ‏1 أغسطس 2014 م

delighted with the wonderful customer service I received today from Miriam, beautiful childrens clothes and 1st rate customer service what more can you ask of a site, nothing is too much trouble will be recommending to others

Hee Jung من الولايات المتحدة ‏31 يوليو 2014 م

I am impressed with the promptness and professional service that all of you provided. Please share my thanks with all who corresponded with us. All of you were so helpful and courteous Best, Hee Jung

Hanan من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏31 يوليو 2014 م

Hello I want to tell you that finally after all these days Aramex customer service answered my calls They told me that they're still closed for Eid & I can pick up my parcel on Sunday I'll tell u when I pick it up I'm really happy & excited Thanks for helping me,for all your efforts & your lovely words I'm really honored to be one of ur customers Sorry for causing any disturbance with my emails But I was afraid that my parcel will get lost or shipped back I love U Children Salon❤️

ElikKH من أذربيجان ‏31 يوليو 2014 م

Thank you so much for your quick, professional and friendly service.

Razeena من جنوب أفريقيا ‏29 يوليو 2014 م

Very efficient service ,friendly and helpful staff.. Thank u childrensalon

Donna من المملكة المتحدة ‏29 يوليو 2014 م

Hello, I just wanted to send a quick message to say a huge thank you for absolutely perfect customer service! Our sun san sandals arrived next day as promised and in time for our holidays. Thank you! I have attached a photo for you. They really are the best boys sandals ever. Donna.

Carina من النمسا ‏29 يوليو 2014 م

Thank you very much. Beautiful shoes and Service everything was perfect. I will shopping again. :-)

Judy من المملكة المتحدة ‏26 يوليو 2014 م

excellent service from Childrensalon - quick delivery. Thank you. Will remember your company in future.

Swathi Appireddy من المملكة المتحدة ‏25 يوليو 2014 م

Thank you , impressed with your service , thanks again

أسماء من المملكة العربية السعودية ‏24 يوليو 2014 م

مرحبا، أول تجربة لي مع تشيلدرن صالون وكانت تجربة جديرة بالثناء من كل الجوانب، الموقع نفسه، المنتجات، الجودة وأهم شي خدمة العملاء كانت جداً راقية. أعجبني إهتمامهم بديانة العملاء وثقافاتهم إذ وصلني الطرد مع تهنئة بالعيد وحلويات. صدقاً أوصي بهذا المتجر وأتمنى لهم المزيد من النجاح. شكراً تشيلدرن صالون. Hello, this is my first experience with Childrensalon and it is an experience with appreciation from all angles, the website, the products, quality and the most important is the customer service was exceptional. I like that they were aware of different religions and I receive the parcel with Eid congratulations and sweets. I honestly would recommend this online store and I wish them more success Thank you childrensalon

Alice من ماليزيا ‏24 يوليو 2014 م

Excellent service and delivery. Like the little details of packaging, the purchases come with the original hanger which is unexpectedly useful, and love the small pack of freebie haribo! Will definitely shop again with CS!

eman من سان بارتليمي ‏24 يوليو 2014 م

Hi. every thing is perfect every every fast

Ghada من أستراليا ‏24 يوليو 2014 م

I love this site I don't even know how I found it but will continue to shop here such classic elegant stuff for little girls thank god hehehe